Is macOS 16.0 Released?

Days until macOS 16.0 is officially released

Meet macOS 16.0

  • Window Tiling
  • Passwords App
  • Enhanced Videoconferencing Tools
  • Safari Enhancements
  • Game Mode
  • Apple Maps Updates


You can check which version of macOS you are using by clicking on the Apple menu in the top-left corner of your screen, then selecting
About This Mac
. The version number will be listed under the macOS name.

About macOS

macOS released its first 10.0 “cheetah” version in 2001. It has since been updated to constantly run on the computers that Apple keeps putting out. It serves the Macbooks, the laptop line of Apple, as well as the classic Mac desktop. macOS has always received mixed reactions because of its impressive capabilities with some types of software, and the frankly poor handling of others, for example, gaming, where the environment is too hermetic to offer the same capabilities and options as Windows, for example. macOS is beloved by many because of its aesthetic and beautiful design that plays very well with other Apple devices like iPads or iPhones, continuing the same sleek luxurious feel that catapulted Apple to the success that it is nowadays.

macOS is used for everyday capabilities, notably by a lot of students because of how seamless it is to take a lightweight Mac out of a backpack, open it, and immediately be greeted right where you left up with virtually no start-up time from a sleep state. macOS in its desktop version is famous for its design capacity, both because of beautiful hardware and tradition, but also because of the ease that MacOS has when dealing with the highest 4K or even 8K resolutions.

This operative system has a ton of features that make it unique. First, the continuity camera is an extremely intelligent solution that combines external Apple devices and brilliant operative system functionalities to mesh into something that feels extremely seamless to do. If you need to scan a document, you simply take a picture with your phone or iPad, and the computer will perform scan-like processing to it, and you will have it readily available as a .pdf or as an image for whatever purpose. This connectivity is what makes MacOS what it is. The desktop has always been a main point of interest because of how good it feels and looks, but it has recently been updated to be dynamic according to apps you have open, time of the day, etc. This feature only adds to how seamless and well-thought MacOS feels.


We are currently in the 11.4 stable release, put out to the public on May 24, 2021. The 11.5 version is underway, with the latest beta update posted on May 19, 2021. 11.5 will feature mostly security updates, but stay tuned to what Apple releases to catch any new flashy features that might be added to the software.